I found information on SAMR, TPACK, sketch-noting and canva very interesting. Personally I have never used sketch-nothing before and I found it very to be a good tool to take notes. I normally take note son my computer which I do know is not the best for information recall. I think sketch-noting could be a valuable tool for students giving them hands note taking and connecting ideas through drawings. For me personally I had a hard time doing the sketch note efficiently by hand. I wanted it to be perfect even though I knew it did not have to be. I know not everyone feels this way but this could be an issue for some people.
Both SAMR and TPACK were new to me and not something I have ever learned or heard about. I found them a bit tricky to understand at first but after class discussion I can see the benefits of both SMAR and TPACK when looking at technology integration. One thing to note that I found interesting was how one idea can fit into multiple categories within the SMAR model. For example we talked about the addition of an iPad which can fit into the first to categories, substitution and augmentation. I do hope to look a bit more into these models to create a better understanding for myself. This is a website I am using to learn a bit more about TPACK.