Experience New Things

Author: katecarnwell (Page 2 of 2)

Weekly Reflection #5

A pink dahlia flower in my garden
Image with alt text by Kate Carnwell


Learning about assistive technology was incredibly eye opening and informative. When looking over my website I never realized how many diverse things can make technology inaccessible for many. Personally my website had several contrast errors. I originally chose colours that I liked and thought look aesthetically pleasing. Now I know how hard it is to see font against certain colours making even my website hard to use. I think contrast is a very common issue across many website making it hard for people with vision problems to use digital resources. Also learning how to make post more accessible to individuals that use screen readers was interesting. It’s as simple as adding headings to break up text but that is never something that crossed my mind. I hope as I move forward in my use of technology I am thoughtful about how I can use and create assistive technology.

Canva video with updated closed captioning


Up Next

Unfortunately, due to the hustle and bustle of the Thanksgiving long weekend and the weather I was unable to make it out for my trail walk/hike. So instead, this post will be dedacated to my upcoming hike. This coming weekend if the weather permits, I will be doing one of my favourite hikes, Old Baldy Mountain. This hike has one standard route/loop that you can start from either end of the trail. A tip from my first time doing this hike is that the trail further down the road is very steep compared to the other end which comes first when driving. This hike has a beautiful view of Shawnigan Lake along the way and all the surrounding area when you reach the top. One of my favourite features is there is a swing just before you reach the top which overlooks the lake.  

This is not a hike I plan to do alone and would do alone. There is wildlife, which could pose danger to you since you are in their habitat. I recommend finding a buddy or group to do this hike with. When time for this hike comes around if my group is unable to make it, I will be staying local and doing the Thetis loop like I planned for this weekend.  


Here is the link for Old Baldy Mountain trail on All Trails

Let the Hikes Begin!

This week I was finally able to start my Free Inquiry process! I completed the planned hike from my previous post about my Free Inquiry. On Sunday I did a trail hike on PKOLS/Mount Doug. I used All Trails to pick what route I wanted to take; this time I took Norn – Harrop – South Ridge – Summit then on the way back I took Summit – Glendenning – Whittaker. This was a beautiful hike with great views all around, you could even see UVic from the South Ridge trail. During this hike I did find out how steep some of the trails were which I did not know before, so it was nice to test out some new routes. I was able to take photos and videos on my phone of the scenery as well as some birds flying overhead. I would recommend this hike as there are so many trail options which can make it more accessible. Over the long weekend I plan to take it steady and do a simple trail walk near me, which I am excited to document in my next post!


Here is the route I took!

Find below the link to a video of turkey vultures flying near me, on the South Ridge Trail


Here is a link that talks about PKOLS/Mount Dougs endangered ecosystem. When hiking remember to stay on designated trails and clean up after yourself to help protect the surrounding environment.

Weekly Reflection #4

This week’s 3D printing workshop was extremely eye opening. 3D printing is not something I would ever have thought to be associated with a classroom setting. The potential for the use of 3D printing does depend on the circumstances within a classroom. I know many teachers that have sensory or calm corners for their students. With 3D printing you could have students make manipulative objects for those spaces. I also think you could create letters or numbers with 3D printing to be used for core subjects to give students a tactile and visual learning experience.  

Some issues could arise when using technology such as 3D printing. Since some schools have limited access to funding and or technology not everyone can have access to the same experience. As well as class size, which could affect the use of the available technology. If technology like 3D printing is accessible within a classroom setting it’s a great way to give students creative freedom and spark imagination. While also building up their strength with different forms of technology.  

Here is a resource for different ways to use 3D printing in the classroom

Below is the keychain I made for my practicum name tag!

Planning ahead!

This past week I have been working on organizing my upcoming adventures. For this upcoming week I have planned to do a hike on the PKOLS/Mount Douglas trails. I was hoping to do this hike this week but I was not able to, so instead I wanted to plan ahead. This hike is very familiar to me, but I am hoping to take a new route and have some people join me. I plan to use the app All Trails to identify the trails. According to All Trails there are 15 posted routes I can choose from. I want to use the trails and not the main road (Churchill Drive) for this hike since I love being in nature. This hike is expected to take about 1.5 hours. I am hoping to either bring my phone or a camera to document the hike through photos. I would like to bring my camera since I have not used a camera in a very long time and would love to redevelop my photography skills. While I wait for appropriate weather, I am looking forward to planning hikes for the month of October in new locations across the lower island!

Here is a map of all the trails on PKOLS/Mount Douglas for you to check out! 

Most parks have these trail maps which are useful for identifying trail names.


In the link below you can find a quick glimpse at the news story about the name restoration that took place in 2022. This name restoration returned the title of PKOLS to Mount Douglas.


Weekly Reflection #3

GenAI is a large topic of conversation in education. Many people have their own individual opinions on what the use of GenAI can mean within an educational setting. My past use of GenAI has always been limited by my instructors or teacher guidelines. Since I have never fully delved into the uses of GenAI I do not carry a strong opinion on the use of it. In the past I have found it useful to narrow down a very broad topic for the purposes of an essay. I also use spell/grammar checkers which help me take another look over my writing and maybe notice issues I did not before. One of the final uses are citation machines/generators. These have been incredibly helpful to give me a base of what certain styles of citation should look like. I have found you should always look over them before using them. For most uses of GenAI I find I always look over them to ensure I am using and presenting quality information and that goes for any of the uses I stated above.  

The use of GenAI has become more and more popular throughout the years. I think there is value in educating myself and others in the proper uses of tools like GenAI. Ensuring students understand how GenAI can be responsible used as too, is important. GenAI cannot be a replacement for work, but it could be used as a tool to help generate topics. Many GenAI databases do not always put forth the best information. This could lead to plagiarism, infringement on source uses/privacy and the use of false information. Using false information does not give a student an enriched understanding of the topic they are working on. When this tool is used irresponsibly, I question what are my students truly learning? Much of the Information from these search engines can carry heavy bias towards, location, gender, race, culture and so much more. I worry about what students may be able to learn and consume through GenAI. It is important to share that GenAI uses large amounts of power per search through hydro, electricity, fossil fuels, etc. The overuse of these search engines can aid in the ongoing climate crisis. I do know students will use GenAI so I would like to make them knowledgeable and responsible users of that tool.


Weekly Reflection#2

I have never made an interactive video before, and it was a very useful and interesting thing to learn. The quality of interactive modifications is not the best, but I think with practice it could make an effective classroom tool. I do believe a higher grade level would be more of the target audience for interactive videos. The participation and interaction with the video would be more organized and higher grades could follow along more easily. I do think you could incorporate some H5P tools into younger age groups, but it could be harder to control and direct an activity around it. Since I am new to using H5P I did not exactly know what to use or how to use it. I think different colours, shapes and fonts could make the video a bit more eye-catching or intriguing. The quiz or multiple-choice options could be very engaging for students. It could be more of a class activity rather than a normal paper quiz. It’s a great opportunity to get students to interact socially if you give them a few moments to discuss what they think the answer could be. I also do think it could be a great guided exercise for students. Since many students have not used technology like this before, walking them through a tutorial and then allowing them to try to create their own version of what we did could be a great activity. It gives them an opportunity to try new things while also expressing their own unique interests and editing styles.  


Welcome to my Free Inquiry

For my free inquiry I am hoping to explore different hiking trails around the lower part of Vancouver Island. I currently do not have many trails picked but I am hoping to do a few new ones along with ones I have done previously throughout the semester. For my free inquiry I plan to use different apps targeted for hiking. These apps will show me different trails within a hike and places to explore. I am planning to evaluate different apps based on how they supported me during the hike but also what content is available on me on the app without paying a premium.  

I haven’t started my inquiry process quite yet, but I hope to start hiking soon. I am currently looking through the variety of apps that are offered on the app store. I am thinking of starting with a trail I know such as (PKOLS) Mount Douglas to start my journey then throughout the semester venturing out to new hiking locations. I am extremely excited to get started and start exploring.  

Here are two websites to learn a bit more about (PKOLS) Mount Douglas! These websites show the park itself but also the significance this land has to the Indigenous peoples.  



Mount Douglas Park. https://www.saanich.ca. (n.d.-a). https://www.saanich.ca/EN/main/parks-recreation-community/parks/parks-trails-amenities/signature-parks/mount-douglas-park.html 

“PKOLS (mount douglas park)” restored as official name of Mount Douglas Park. (n.d.). https://wsanec.com/pkols-mount-douglas-park-restored-as-new-official-name-of-mount-douglas-park/ 

Weekly Reflection #1

The education system has remained relatively stagnant throughout history. Change and creativity is present in our education system, but it normally moves at a slower pace. Reimagining education can look very different depending on one’s own personal worldview and/or lens. The system has flaws much like any system. The curriculum is a base or directory of what students should learn each year in school. An educator’s approach or dynamic with students can really determine what is taken from each lesson. Ultimately a student’s experience at school, whether it is social, cognitive or physical, can create a varying perspective of what school is supposed to be. As described in Greg Whiteley’s Most Likely to Succeed (2015) the education system gives students what is considered fundamental information from each subject. In comparison to the alternative school in the documentary that gave their students and teachers freedom to learn and teach outside our traditional education dynamic, developing fundamental knowledge but also skills.  

When I think of reimaging education, I think of taking agency as an educator to make changes that positively impact my students. Taking into consideration the individuality of every student and how the learning environment I create, and foster can impact their perception and experience of school. This could include modification or even alternate activities, taking a more student-centered approach. I will need to consider what are the learning outcomes on a whole and Indvidual level and what I want my students to take from a lesson.  

The education system will shift and change, and I am incredibility excited and also curious for what that will hold. I hope to bring a different dynamic than what I had in school. I experienced a more lesson plan/teacher focused setting which did have its pros and cons. I find that a lot of what is considered fundamental information is not necessarily what stuck with me the most. I find the chances I got to prusue my own learning objectives passionately is the information I can quickly recall. This can look very different for each individual because people thrive in different learning environments. When taking too many factors into account the possibility of losing sight of the overarching goal could occur. Concerns about the education system and their assessments adequately setting up students for the route of post-secondary education have become relevant. Educators must determine how alternative teaching methods may affect student outcomes. Taking into consideration social, cultural, and technological factors can help educators mitigate obstacles.

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